Saturday, October 31, 2015

Zayden: The Journey to 4 months

I can't believe my baby is officially no longer in the first quarter of babyhood! 

It's amazing how many changes Zayden has gone through and how fast he is going through them. It's quite heartbreaking but I think the brunt of the heartbreak is being felt by Dad. 

We were going to have Zayden try solids at 3 months but we didn't because someone wasn't willing to let go just yet. Thanks to our pediatrician who suggested to wait until Zayden is 4 months, things went this person's way! (I don't want to name names but this person goes by the title, "Daddy".)

I wasn't in any rush and just wanted to try if Zayden could handle it anyway just because he was showing signs of being ready and wanting solid food. Zayden has been lunging towards our food, smacking his lips and mimicking chewing. He was drooling even more than usual from teething and his eyes would open up so wide when he sees us eat! 

So this morning Zayden finally had his first bowl of rice cereal. He loved it! It took a couple of times but he got the hang of it quick! 

At 4 months he is 14 lbs and 4 oz. His 3-6 month old clothes fit him almost too perfectly and has begun to wear his 6-9 month size clothes. 

At 3 months we started singing his name to him to the tune of "Ice Ice Baby", but just for fun. Now, it's the only way to calm him down when we're in the car and he decides he doesn't want to be in his car seat anymore. We have a trio singing like idiots in the car. 

Zenon starts off first: "Zzzzayden!" Then I go, "Zayden-den-den-dededen-den!" Then Dad goes, "Zayden the baby!" which is Zenon's and my cue to sing "Zayden-den-den-dededen-den!". Depending on when he decides to stop crying and calm down and if he continues being calm and happy, this could go on for maybe half an hour. Lord help us when we drive to Ohio this Christmas!

Last week he rolled over from back to belly by pulling on the blanket and bedsheet! Yesterday he started moving forward by kicking and pulling on the bedsheets. We think he may be crawling soon! 

A couple of weeks ago he discovered the "M" sound so his babbling has turned into a pursed lip babbling of variations of the "M" sound. 

Although when he does the "normal" babbling, he's more calm as if he was conversing with you like a normal person capable of speech instead of rambling. It's the cutest thing ever! 

He has had many firsts this Fall, this being his very first one. First visit to the zoo. We made sure we took lots of pictures with the elephants of course! 

It was the whole family's first time going to the State Fair of Texas, which is quite fun. The traffic almost drove us nuts, but it was all fun after we were finally out of the car. They had an aquarium in the fair so it was his first time in an aquarium attraction. He was very much fascinated by the fishies. 

We went trick or treating like we always do and this was Zayden's very first one so Dad was willing to participate. Zayden was Jackjack from The Incredibles and Daddy of course had to be the baddie, Syndrome! 

Meanwhile big brother Zenon was a red ninja and Mommy was the worn out momma! Question is, was it really a costume or was this really how mom feels like inside?? We will never know!

The worn out Momma can't get herself ready at all -- can't finish off her makeup and puts lipstick on her cheeks instead of her lips! Leaves her hairbrush in her head, forgets to take off her jogging pants and wears her flip flops out! Meanwhile her eldest son tries to slice her and the baby doesn't care what happens as long as Mommy continues to carry him.

The stealthy red ninja was trying to hide in the dark all night and kept on yelling to ask if we could see him. 

Halloween has become so special this year for us, I hope it has been fun for you guys! Happy Halloween!!! 

Eating solid food, sitting up and getting bigger and bigger! He weighed 14 lbs and 4 oz at his well baby check up last week! 

Nicknames earned this month:
"The Little Third Wheel"
"Zayden Pogi (Handsome) Pie"

Thursday, October 15, 2015


This year was Andrew's first official Father's Day after we got married last year. 

I decided that the best gift I could get him was a grill. A grill just screams DAD to me. I don't know if that's my dad in my head because grilling is "his thing" or if it's just all those commercials that have gotten to me. Either way, there wasn't any other idea that I could think off that was better than a grill.

This year, we were also expecting our baby but he wasn't due until after Father's Day, so Andrew asked me if we could push off Father's Day until our baby finally arrived. He wanted to celebrate Father's Day with our new baby in his arms.

We still celebrated Father's Day on the day itself, though. A simple but very happy and meaningful Father's Day dinner at the local Rib Crib. We couldn't just let it pass without doing anything. This was, Andrew's first one as my husband -- officially part of Zenon's and my life and then a new baby on the way. To top that off, just a few weeks before, Zenon said he wanted to take Andrew's name. 

This was very random. Zenon was registering his entry to the bug catching contest and said his name was Zenon D. It made my heart melt and Andrew will never admit it, but I saw a little twinkle in his eye, and that was most definitely a tear! 

A few weeks after Father's Day, we had Zayden! So finally a month or so after that, we celebrated the continuation of Father's Day and finally got the grill. 

Since then, Andrew has been grilling at least twice a week. His first quest was to perfect the cook on the steak. He took this quest to heart and researched and experimented. All that work has definitely paid off and he is now a master of steak
grilling. His next quest is to perfect the grill marks on the steak and his first try was already near perfect. 

Although Andrew's quest to cook the perfect steak started a few months ago with him purchasing a cast iron grill. I want to say that his steaks on the cast iron grill were good but I think because he enjoys being outside with the whole family -- the fresh air, the dogs running around in the backyard, and just the overall atmosphere, he was able to put more heart into making the steaks on the grill. This has made the steaks he made on the grill so amazing and it didn't take him long to get it perfect either.

Zenon used to not want anything to do with steak yet we used to go to Texas Roadhouse almost every weekend at one point. Now however, Zenon has finally opened up and allowed steak into his life and he has embraced being a Steakvore like his parents. 

We are definitely a family of steak lovers! So, until we either get snowed in and can't grill anymore, Andrew will be out in the backyard grilling while the kids and dogs and I wait impatiently for the deliciousness that is about to come.

Monday, October 12, 2015

My Bucket List

I just realized that with this blog, I have been able to fulfill a couple of things on my list of things I would like to accomplish. I also realize that because I have so many things I want to do and to experience, it's a good idea to have a list. 

So, without further ado, I would like to share my list. Please note, this list does not necessarily follow the order in which it is shown and will be updated as I remember more things I want on it.

1.  Be confident and create a blog that I will let people know of. No more hiding! -- DONE! You're reading it right now! Hooray!!! Thanks to my number 1 fan, Andrew. I love you sweetie!
2. Fall in love, be in love, be loved, be happy then have another baby with this man so Zenon can stop begging for a brother. -- Given the complexities of this item on my list, this should have merited a completely separate list with it'a own special category but since they have happened, I'll just keep it here. Hi Andrew, cheers to life well lived and a love forever true, and welcome Zayden to our crazy and super happy family!
2. Travel overseas with my boys and not just to the Philippines.
3. Learn cake decorating.
4. Get better at drawing. Practice more!
5. Learn to paint with watercolor and oil paints!
6. Start a small business...but first, figure out what the small business will be.
7. Re-learn Japanese.
8. Go back to Vegas with Andrew. Dinner at Tom Colicchio's Heritage Steak will be a definite stop! Don't forget to use and earn points on the M Life Card!!!
9. Learn to sew things well using my sewing machine.
10. Create my series of paintings on Filipino Street Vendors using mixed media starting with the "Sorbetero" (Ice Cream vendor).

I'm sure I'll never be done with this list...ever!

Update for 13 Nov 15

11. Photography!!! I love taking pictures of everything! Recently I've been falling in love with taking pictures of food which leads to...
12. Food adventures galore! I love food and I love discovering new flavors.

So, I've been documenting any new food and places we've been able to try. So I guess I can claim to be a wannabe foodie now, too! 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Hello Fancy Starbucks Coffee Cup

My husband has this habit of getting me random things that I go "ooh and aah" over when we're at the store. He's like a ninja so I never know about it until I get it. Recently however, his ability to hide that sly smile has been fading fast. It's been so much easier to catch him because the smile that shows up on his face isn't even a small one. It's this huge, guilty, sly smile that screams "I DID SOMETHING!!! I'M GUILTY!!!". When I catch him he tries to play it cool but fails so miserably. I love my silly cuddle bear. He's the sweetest, most loving and protective man I've ever known. 

Last week we were at Target and at the end of our little shopping trip, Andrew, the husband, asked if I wanted to get a cup of mochachocabullshit. Batdad fans will understand this reference. So of course I said yes, who says no to Starbucks? Besides it's Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte Season again! 

On our way to the counter, I spotted this pretty Starbucks coffee cup. I don't really drink coffee very often, although I used to be a coffee junkie back in college, but that's been over a decade ago. These days my caffeine fix comes from a can or two of Coke and/or Mountain Dew so I don't have to deal with the feeling of being parched all day, and coffee breath. Coffee breath. *shudder

I didn't see the purpose of having the cup except to have it so I didn't get it. Don't get me wrong I'm not always budget conscious, but I also don't buy for myself often. My kids get spoiled so much before I realize I need new socks! Trust me, between the sock-chewing dogs, the sock thief and my husband the pink sock wearer, I need new socks all the time.

Andrew however, had other plans and got me the cup. He usually orders for me when we're out because I would be in quite a bit of pain after walking around so much so he lets me sit to relax for a bit. 

He ordered my mochachocabullshit in pumpkin spice latte and had the barista put it in the cup. I knew he got the cup and had them put my coffee in it because that's something he would do. He thinks he's so creative and clever, plus, when he turned around he had that stupid smile again. 

I looked at him and gave him the "I know what you did" look for a second then decided to let him have this (because it makes him extra happy when I do) and diverted my attention to the kids. 

I got my very pretty and fancy looking coffee cup and I love it! In return, Andrew got his special "Andrew do good" kiss with lovely dovey smile from me, so everyone wins!

However now, I'm faced with a problem. What to do with it? I don't want it to just sit around in the cupboard. It's too pretty to just be put away.

I've been told you can take your cup to Starbucks and the barista can put your coffee in your cup instead, but because I've never really done that before, and don't know anyone who has, I don't want to look like a complete jackass and bring an empty coffee cup into the store.

I imagine myself being a cave woman walking into Starbucks going, "You! Put pumpkin spice latte in cup! Momma needs mochachocabullshit in her system now!! Aaaaarghh!!". Not a pretty sight.

So plan 1, as soon as our 8-year old, Zenon is no longer grounded, his 3-month old brother and I will start walking with him to school and I'll have my coffee cup with me! Yay!!! It will most likely have hot tea in it. Husband and I started exploring the world of tea when we found out I was pregnant and we had to put our wine exploring into a sudden screeching halt.

Plan 2, figure out if I can really bring my cup in and how to order. For that, I have google. 

Plan 3, is an awesome idea from the husband -- get a fancy coffeemaker! Shoot, I'm down! My husband, he doth spoileth me. 

Lastly, Plan 4, start using the cup for when I go back to work and I'm about ready to do that.

Hopefully my plans start to unravel soon. I will update this blog post as they do so. 

In the meantime, please meet, the very fancy and über pretty, The Starbucks Coffee Cup. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Of Instant Telegrams, Tweeters, #Pound Tags and *Star Tags

Since working on this new blog, I have decided to also join other social networking platforms other than Facebook, such as Instant Telegram and Tweeter.

The decision to do so is from my husband's flawless reasoning -- Stop being scared and let people read what I write and start using other networking platforms to promote my blog. He also said that after all, I am a Speech Communication major and I need to get with the times in the realm of digital communication.

I reluctantly agreed after realizing that my husband is right, I do have to stop hiding. I want to share my thoughts with people and I am perfectly capable of producing a decent, somewhat cohesive, poorly edited work that will reveal the innermost workings my brain (picture a clapping monkey). Besides, I have been in dire need of some social stimulation without having to leave the comforts of home. I just had my second baby 3 months ago and I am enjoying nap times very much, thank you.

As I brave through my journey into this new realm of digital communication, I realize that I never used them because I have never had any purpose for using them prior to this. I remember asking a friend from college a year ago or so why people, including her, were using these pound signs "#" in their Facebook statuses. She patiently typed via the private messaging feature of Facebook that these were not pound signs. That, they were in fact called "hashtags" and proceeded to explain their purpose. In my head I started thinking of hash browns! I had hash browns from McD's for breakfast the next day.

The fact cannot be denied however, Instagram, Twitter and other social networking platforms have its merits when it comes to getting your name out there. I posted a picture of my blog's background picture on Instagram yesterday and added my blog URL to both my Instagram and Twitter profiles. Within 24 hours, there has been 30 people who have visited my blog and I haven't even written anything yet. This is my first post!

I have so far figured out how to navigate Instagram and have found it amazing to be able to find people I know easily by linking it to my Facebook account. I have yet to find that success in Twitter. I have however, found respect for those ordinary people like myself who have been "successful" with their networking in the form of followers, comments, likes, etc. It's definitely not easy. You have to be brave enough to be exposed to criticism which I dread the most.

I want to believe that I am a very brave person, however criticism is what gets me the most. It took me many years and what is to me very traumatic experiences of sharing my thoughts and being criticized for it. Needless to say, I take things very personally because my words are not an extension of me, it is my soul that I am allowing freedom to express itself.

Being exposed to criticism means I cringe every time I see someone has replied to something I had said. Recently I have cringed so many times as I tested the waters in the form of commenting on national and local news features posted on Facebook. The most scared I had been was when our dog made us Facebook famous on our local community page. Although in my defense, some of these women can be quite judgmental. The most sleepless I had been was when I commented on a local news article and was accused of being callous. Thank goodness for strangers who know how to read and came to my rescue!

A friend of mine recently confided in me the difficulties of work, family and being your own person, which made made me reflect on my self confidence. I questioned if I was as awesome as I thought I was when I was still working and how this was possible when I question most things I do. So, I asked my husband how I was at work since we worked together for 4 years and because he is brutally honest with me. He said nobody dared to mess with me at work because I knew my stuff and because I "farted" confidence at work.

Funny as it sounds, I believe him. No matter who I dealt with or what the task was, I did well and nobody questioned me, plus I have all these awards as proof. So here I am, trying to translate this confidence into this realm of terror and I pray I come out on top of this one, too, because being able to share my thoughts and ideas is quite fulfilling.

Until then, I have to explain to my husband that he either needs to get with the program and go on at least Facebook so it doesn't look like he copy-pasted my page onto his or he can stop this mission of having star tags become a thing.

**First post done. My blog is officially open to the public. Come at me world, I'm ready like Spongebob is ready! Send me a toot on Instagram and Twitter (tatapatataskie) if you agree with my husband's advice!