Monday, November 9, 2015

Zayden: The Journey to 5 months

Zayden turned 5 months on Thanksgiving day this year. Needless to say, this year all 3 of us and I think the puppies, too are all grateful for having Zayden in our family. 

This month he has become more mobile. He is rolling from back to belly and belly to back with so much ease. 

He would go on all fours and rock back and forth, back and forth, back and forth until he thinks he's gotten enough momentum to lunge himself far enough to get to things he wants to grab a hold of. 

A couple of weeks after that he started to use his head as a 5th appendage to help him crawl. So he's been doing the left hand forward, right hand forward, bonk head, drag left foot up, drag right foot up, bonk head, but in no particular order. He's been able to get himself to his destination doing this though. So whatever works right? 

He started to stick his tongue out at us, too. I'll admit, that's my fault. I always do that when I'm playing with him and he's finally able to imitate it! It's so cute when he does it! The cuteness factor just turns up so high it's so impossible to ever have a bad day with this little guy!

This month we moved from rice cereal and had him try boiled apples. I'm adamant on making his food. No bottled store-bought food for us because I want to know what is in my baby's food. It doesn't matter to me if the baby food is labeled organic, I'm sure there's some type of preservative in it and that's why it's able to keep in store shelves. 

Besides, my family and I do not have the healthiest eating habits but I know that when I cook, my 8-year old eats and he eats a lot. No matter where we go and whichever restaurant or fast food we go to, except if it's some kind of fried chicken, chicken strips or chicken nuggets, he enjoys my food so much more and devours it. I'm proud of that and I'm happy and secure knowing what is in my baby's food. 

In the end, it's not a big deal peeling and chopping up some fruits and veggies and putting it in a pot with water. Mash it or put it in a food processor or blender and you're done.

So far, Zayden has been introduced to boiled apple and ripe mashed bananas. He loves both of them. He has been enjoying his food adventures a lot. It's so wonderful watching his reactions when he tries  for the first time. 

Zayden has also been more vocal. He started making the "D". He also started blowing air through his lips that are pursed tightly together. We didn't realize his lips go so far out before this! Lucky, lucky we got in all on video! 

Happy 5 months baby love! ❤️❤️❤️

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